Surprise! You’re having a circus

November 17, 2010

This post is way over-due, but I’ve just been itching to share it! A few months back (ok, so probably around summer…)  I helped plan my dear friend Marlees’ circus themed baby shower. We had less than one week to pull it all off, but I’m happy to say everyone loved it; including the guest of honor.

Besides everything coming together beautifully, my favorite part about it was making my very first Strawberry cake from scratch! A little birdie told me Marlee’s favorite cake was Strawberry, so I wanted to make it special and find a recipe that didn’t include any artificial flavors. I finally found this one and I have to admit, I added a bit more Strawberry puree into the batter for a brighter color. I wish I had a picture of the inside of the cake, but it was pretty much gone in 2 seconds flat.

To add the whimsical theme to the cake, I cut out tiny flags from construction paper and glued them onto string to tie across the diameter of the cake. It made a fun and eye-catching centerpiece for the table and the pink strawberry cake was perfect for welcoming Marlee’s baby girl #2 a.k.a Jillian.

Here’s a little more eye candy from the party. Seriously, how cute is that vintage lemonade pitcher?!

We made a fun little game by writing potential baby names on the bottom of each duckie and Marlee got to pick out her favorite.

Congratulations Zack and Marlee!



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